The last two weeks have been really rough for me. It was like hell week, when you really figure out what you’re made of. We all four got the stomach bug that was going around, and the twins had a few rounds of it. I couldn’t leave the house with the girls because I was afraid of spreading the bug, and Miles was traveling for work (he was busy puking in a hotel room in Chicago). When everyone finally got over the stomach bug from hell and Miles got home, it poured rain for 5 days straight. I was cooped up in the house for way too long, and was literally about to lose my mind. It all came to a head on Sunday, when I spent all morning preparing for one of my favorite events of the year, the Taste of Charleston (outdoor food festival), at Boone Hall Plantation, and after we packed the car and loaded the girls, it started pouring on the way there. Let’s just say, I wasn’t in a good place. Okay, okay, let’s call it what it was, a bitch fit temper tantrum, a full blown, completely irrational, Mommy meltdown. Miles gave me the rest of the day off, and forced me to leave the house and get out and do something for ME. I went to MADabolic and crushed the interval, then went grocery shopping alone. (I know that might sound boring, but it’s a luxury to me).
Then, something magical happened…the sun finally came out, and I crawled out of my Mommy burnout. I needed a reminder to stop feeling bad for myself, take a good look around and enjoy the moment! Those hard weeks are always temporary, it always turns around, and I’m always a better Mom and a stronger person for going through it. If I can handle two simultaneously puking toddlers, I can handle anything, right? Miles and I took the girls on a family beach run, and then let them run wild on the beach where we had a little beach yoga sesh. It was the kind of afternoon that I dreamed about my entire pregnancy.
It was a moment in time that I will never forget. I’m glad that Miles was able to snap a few pictures.
Next time I find myself in that dark hole of Mommy burnout, I’ll remember this day.