I spent the weekend in Washington, DC meeting my adorable new nephew, Oliver. My sister had her second baby a little over a week ago, and I have been dying to get up there and meet him/help out and spend time with my 2 and a half year old nephew (who I almost stole and brought home with me), Sam. Check out this cuteness.
Adorable brothers, Sam and Oliver.
Sam, Oliver and me
They live in Capitol Hill right in the middle of the city. I’ve been to visit them quite a few times, but I’ve never gone on a run while I was there. It was a perfect fall morning, and my brother in law gave me a 5.5-6 mile route. Let me give you a little piece of advice…when you are running and trying to follow directions, DO NOT start jamming out to Justin Timberlake Pandora. I was too busy having my own dance party in my head to actually focus on the directions that he gave me. My 5.5-6 mile run quickly turned into a 7 mile run. I saw the Capital, the National Mall, the Washington Monument, the reflecting pool and the Lincoln Memorial. It was seriously amazing! It’s crazy to me that this is my brother in law’s normal running route…there is nothing normal about seeing our Nation’s most historic and significant sights. It was unbelievable.
DC is such a running city. I have seriously never seen so many active people. It was awesome and completely motivating. At some point, when I was trying to get back to the correct route, I saw a group of runners wearing Team in Training shirts and decided to join their group completely uninvited. Luckily, they lead me right to the National Mall! Here are a few pics I took along the way:
Once I made it to the Lincoln Memorial I ran the stairs 8 times. It was brutal, but I was in the zone (and I can do anything while listening to the Justin Timberlake Pandora station).
It’s so much fun exploring cities by running. Anyone else see something amazing while running this weekend?