I was texting with a long time client (and friend) this week. She’s doing this 3 week program with me, and I hadn’t heard from her in a few days, so I just wanted to check in. Turns out, she’s on vacation with her family. She responded, “Hard on this family vacation. Doing my best, but also trying to enjoy myself.” It got me thinking…
I want nothing more than for her to enjoy herself. I’ve known her for years, I love her, she’s been going through a hard transitional time, she’s wonderful, she deserves it, etc. But it made me have an A-HA moment about my journey. Years and years ago, I got into this mess of feeling bad, gaining weight, having stomach problems, back problems, acne, no energy, etc. by doing exactly that…enjoying myself. I was enjoying myself so much that I stopped enjoying my life, started feeling guilty all the time, having no self confidence, not fitting into my clothes, giving up and spiraling out of control. I felt like shit all of the time. How crazy is it that “enjoying ourselves” is what makes us NOT ENJOY OURSELVES?!?!? It’s not just me or my client, this is human nature, and it’s insane. I love to have fun and the party girl inside me is a bitch and may never die, but that side of me doesn’t define me like it once did. Finding a balance is way more “enjoyable”, right?