Uncategorized make shit happen… written by erinmhopkins October 23, 2013 Saw this, loved it, wanted to share it. make shit happen… was last modified: October 23rd, 2013 by erinmhopkins 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest erinmhopkins previous post sweat on deck… next post how i'm going to survive halloween this year… You may also like enough… August 1, 2013 cinque terre (aka the step mill)… August 23, 2012 gimme all the muffins… February 10, 2017 salad gamechanger and last minute gift idea… December 23, 2015 day of fitness (for the kids!) October 9, 2012 let's catch up… June 26, 2013 reality check… August 28, 2012 overbooked… December 17, 2015 holy split… November 1, 2013 back to the basics… June 4, 2012