It’s been 3.5 weeks since I’ve been able to workout. I go on daily walks with the babes (about 2-3 miles), but that’s it. I can’t wait to get back in the gym and back to my yoga practice in a few weeks. In the meantime, I want to continue with my weight loss plan, even though working out isn’t a part of that equation. I’m 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, and I’m ready to finish this shit!
It really IS 80 percent nutrition. I’ve been able to steadily lose weight in the last 3 weeks by lowering my calories (to adjust for not burning as many) and by staying dedicated to eating clean. It’s actually kind of amazing how perfect I make my nutrition and how disciplined I am when I can’t workout. Normally, I can rationalize an extra serving, glass of wine, piece of dark chocolate, (insert temptation here) because I’ll think, “I really busted my ass today at the gym, I must have burned at least 800 calories, I can afford to have this extra serving, glass of wine, piece of dark chocolate, (insert temptation here).” Without a major workout every morning, I don’t have a way to rationalize anything, and my nutrition has been perfect because of that. I have no excuses.
I’m not telling you not to work out. Let me repeat that, I’m NOT telling you not to workout. Let’s not forget about a little thing called skinny fat! Read my previous skinny fat blog post if you need a refresher . Remember this picture?
If you only lose weight through nutrition, skinny fat is most likely where you will end up. So get the strength training in, use cardio for endurance and to increase your calorie deficit, but don’t use it as a way to rationalize your eating habits like I’ve been doing. This has been a good lesson for me. Now that I have recognized this pattern, I can do something about it.