So, one of my goals this summer was to do another sprint triathlon. I love doing sprint triathlons, and more than doing them, I love training for them. It is so nice to switch it up, and unlike marathons and half marathons, the training never gets boring. Miles and I signed up for one of the Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series about two months ago. Unfortunately, three weeks ago I sprained my ankle in a box jumping accident. I was on my third set of box jumps on a 24″ box, and I just couldn’t clear it. I clipped my knee and all I can remember thinking was, “oh shit, my teeth!!”, so I put my hand down and did a crazy spin move which Amanda said can only be described as something out of one of The Matrix movies. There was a milisecond in there where I could picture my front two teeth smashing into the box. (I’ve had a lot of dental work done in my life, so I am always VERY aware of my teeth). I had just finished teaching Spinning and Hot Power Vinyasa back to back and I guess I was just fatigued and lost focus, which is not okay when you are trying to clear a 24″ steel box over and over again. Anyway, I never thought that this injury would last this long. I still can’t run, so unfortunately, I can’t race tomorrow. I’ve been pretty disappointed about it, but it’s not worth risking any further injury. I guess getting injured and dealing with those injuries appropriately is part of living “the fit life”. Here’s a picture of my giant ankle shortly after the incident. I will spare you what it looked like when the crazy bruising set in.
Who knew box jumps could be so dangerous?!? I think I am done with them for a long time, and I haven’t made a client do them since.
The worst part about backing out of the race this weekend, was how much of a d-bag I felt like when I told my friend (and favorite blogger) Hank. When Miles and I signed up for the race, I posted on Hank’s facebook wall and challenged him to do it with us! I knew he wouldn’t turn down the challenge, and that it would be a really cool experience for him. Hank is on a ridiculously awesome and hugely inspirational weight loss journey. It is all outlined in his blog You’ve got to check it out. He’s very clever, witty and entertaining. Anyway, I remember when he joined the gym and someone told me about his blog. He literally looks like a different person now. I got to watch him go from an obese person to a fit person, and it really is unbelievable. He has lost over 100 pounds and 80ish since he started his blog. A little over a year ago, he was obese and out of shape, and after tomorrow he is going to be a triathlete! He’s been pouring all his time and energy into triathlon training, and he’s even involved an awesome local charity in Charleston that works to fight childhood obesity in the lowcounty, called Louie’s Kids ( He has been training and will be racing with one of Louie’s Kids. Seriously, this is such a huge deal, and I am so excited for them! Stayed tuned to to see how it goes.