There are a few things that I’ve stumbled across lately, and I feel like I need to share the goods. I think I’ll do a series of blog posts about “the goods”. On the top of that list is one of my newest discoveries, modPALEO.
I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to have the energy to make a healthy dinner each night. First of all, I don’t like to cook and clean, and I have to clean and organize all day out of necessity. And let me tell you, cleaning up after two toddlers is not very productive and can be pretty defeating. Second of all, after I put the girls to bed and get our house back to a livable state, I just need to be done for the day. Thinking about what we should have for dinner and then actually making it happen just takes too much brain power.
Then I found modPALEO. I heard about it from MADabolic, and it has been a gamechanger for us. modPALEO is a Carolinas-based, pre-packaged meal service that offers a modern approach to the Paleo lifestyle. Here’s the link for more info.
I do not follow the Paleo diet. Before I piss of all the Crossfitters of the World and everyone who has hopped on the Whole30 bandwagon, let me just explain. I think the Paleo/Whole30 is great and effective, and a perfect fit for many people. I can totally get on board with everything that it stands for. However, I know myself and I know my triggers, and when I feel like I’m too limited in what I can eat, I binge. I have tried this program and it didn’t end well. Knowing my patterns and triggers is a MAJOR component to me staying on track. I just need to stick to clean eating with a few splurges. I eat gluten free (due to an allergy), mostly dairy free, non-processed foods and I try to limit my grains towards the end of the day, and let’s be honest, I don’t eliminate alcohol. So the modPALEO meals are a great dinner option for me.
Every Tuesday a magical little package arrives in a cooler box at my doorstep.
If you look closely, you can see Riley and Quinn peering out the window.
And inside are some of the most delicious and flavorful meals ever. Seriously, the food is SO good. It’s gluten free, dairy free, grain free, non-processed and sustainable. I mean, seriously…it’s perfect.
We get 5 meals a week, to allow for us to cook or go out to dinner on the other nights, but modPALEO has a ton of different meal plans to choose from. All you have to do it heat it up for a minute and a half and then put it in a pretty bowl so it doesn’t feel so TV dinnerish.
We are absolutely loving this program, because the truth is, convenience counts. modPALEO allows us to have a healthy, convenient, delicious meal delivered to our doorstep.